
01568 572966

Sky & Wild Eric Media Event Promo Creation

Sky & Wild Eric Media Event Promo Creation

This week we were joined by our friends from Sky, Ellie and Chris, to film a promotional advert at Ludlow Distillery. The promo advert, is to encourage guests to join us on 21st March at the distillery to learn about how AdSmart from Sky can help any business advertise on TV without breaking the bank.

2023 Round up and Happy New Year!

2023 Round up and Happy New Year!

I will endeavour to create many new blog posts for you to follow about us here at Wild Edric Media. That gives insight into our filming antics, whether it’s live streaming, event filming or video production for promotional, infomercial, trailers or Sky AdSmart purposes.

Contact us

Get in touch with our friendly team to discover more about our professional video production services.

Tel: 01568 572966



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